There are five reasons why the ball machine has no common colors during the day.

[ Huaqiang Security Network News ]

Recently, many users and friends are confused about the fact that the ball machine sometimes has no color during the day. What is the reason? What is the reason why a good ball machine has no color during the day? Let the Xiaobian help you analyze the following:

Ball machine

First, you have to look at whether the ball machine is installed indoors or outdoors? If the indoor environment is darker, the movement will automatically turn to black and white. Because sometimes the light effects of indoor and outdoor are different, it usually causes the machine to be colorless. If it is installed outdoors, is the camera movement lens not switched over?

Second, check whether the line is a problem, and change the machine to try it out. If there is still a problem, you can check whether the movement is intact. Under normal circumstances, the life of the movement is very long, and generally there will be no problem.

Third, the focal length of the ball machine is set incorrectly. When you select the lens to zoom in and out, the ball automatically focuses to make the image clear. At this time, if you choose manual focus, it will cause the focal length error, make the image blurred, and you can't see the outline.

Fourth, the aperture size of the dome lens is not suitable. The aperture can directly adjust the brightness of the dome camera. When the aperture is too large, the image is bright and white, which causes the image to be blurred. If the aperture is too small, the image becomes very dark, and even the gray image is not visible.

5. The wrong setting of brightness, contrast and saturation of the ball machine. These three parameters of the dome directly affect the brightness, darkness, and grayness of the image. Mis-settings can make the image too dark or too bright, the image is color cast, and even black and white.

These five reasons often lead to unclear picture of the dome, even the common reasons for no color. Of course, we must first consider whether the dome is clean. If there is no problem above, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer.

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