NASA Tests New Electric Propulsion System

According to foreign media reports, NASA engineers are testing the solar power propulsion system and hope to further promote the exploration of deep space. NASA's Glenn Research Center (GRC) just released a picture showing a Hall thruster that is about to perform ground testing in a vacuum chamber.

According to reports, this thruster has three times the power of the existing system, and experiments conducted in the vacuum chamber will simulate the space environment, allowing engineers to evaluate the actual performance of the system.

NASA engineer Peter Peterson is preparing for Hall thruster testing

In the picture, NASA engineer Peter Peterson is preparing for the thruster test. NASA officials stated that the thruster is "critical" in future deep space exploration. The thruster's full name is "Hare Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding (HERMeS)" and its operating power is 12.5 kilowatts, which is much stronger than any existing system.

NASA plans to combine these thrusters with solar electric propulsion (SEP) systems to make future deep space exploration cost-effective, using about 10 times less propulsion fuel than other systems.

The solar electric propulsion system converts the solar energy obtained from the array of solar panels into electrical energy, which is then used to ionize and accelerate the propellant to provide propulsion. NASA said that compared with current chemical propulsion technology, this new technology can increase the fuel efficiency in space flight by about 10 times, and it will provide more than double the power of existing electric propulsion systems.

This Hall effect thruster is equipped with advanced magnetic shielding shields, which can prevent erosion and ensure that the thruster can provide “gentle but uninterrupted” power during a mission. In NASA's Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission (ARRM), multiple Hall thrusters will be used together with an operating power of 40 kilowatts. With solar arrays, total power can be achieved. 50 kilowatts.

In the process of flying to a near-earth asteroid (NEA), the automation components of the asteroid reorientation mission will employ the world's most advanced and most efficient solar electric propulsion system. Near-Earth asteroids are asteroids whose orbits in the solar system are less than 1.3 astronomical units in recent days.

The asteroid reorientation task is divided into two parts. The use of automatic detectors and manned spacecraft to conduct research on asteroids. The main purpose is to lay the foundation for deep-space exploration and demonstrate the key technologies needed for future missions to Mars. It is estimated that the mission will cost approximately US$1.4 billion, not including the anticipated launch of the launch in December 2021.

NASA plans to combine these thrusters with solar electric propulsion (SEP) systems

NASA plans to launch an automatic spacecraft to the asteroid and create a base for astronauts to work and live on. The automatic spacecraft will drag asteroids to the moon's orbit, making it a place to prepare for manned missions to Mars. NASA also plans to conduct a year-long research on the asteroid and test a variety of technologies that could potentially save the Earth from asteroids.

The manned part of the asteroid reorientation mission is expected to be launched in 2026. At present, this part is still in the early concept stage. In the summer of 2016, NASA approved the continued reorientation of asteroids. The next phase of its work is to design and develop the automated detectors needed for the mission.

According to the plan, the target asteroid will not be officially selected until 2020, and NASA is currently using asteroid 2008 EV5 as a reference while continuing to search for potential candidate asteroids.

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