Concept of building materials

The scientific and authoritative definition of ecological building materials is still in the research and determination stage. The concept of ecological building materials comes from ecological environment materials. The definition of eco-environmental materials is still being determined. Its main features are first of all to save resources and energy; secondly to reduce environmental pollution, to avoid greenhouse effect and destruction of the ozone layer; third is easy to recycle and recycle.

As an important branch of eco-environmental materials, according to its meaning, ecological building materials should be in harmony with the ecological environment during the production, use, disposal and recycling of materials, to meet the minimum resources and energy consumption, with minimal or no environmental pollution, most Good performance, the highest recycling rate requires the design and production of building materials. Obviously such environmental coordination is a concept of relative and development.

Our range of plug lockouts fits 110V, 220V, and 500V plugs. We have three sizes for your choice. Pneumaic plugs are also lockable. The plug completely sits inside the unit with the cable being fed trhough an access hole inside.

Electrical Lockout

Pneumatic Lockout, Switch Lockout, Wall Switch Lockout, Electrical Lockout