How to avoid habitual violations to the maximum extent?

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In the production process, people often cause small or large accidents because of a small mistake in their work. These small mistakes, in the eyes of many people, are habitual actions that are "perfect" and are habitual violations. It is also these habitual violations that have been accumulating for years and years that have become a source of danger for major accidents.

What made a habitual violation?

Among the 300 hidden dangers, Heinrich's Law has 29 minor injuries and one death or major accident.

Poor safety awareness and low skills

Taking construction workers as an example, most of the workers on the construction site are farmers. The level of education is low, safety awareness is weak, normative operational knowledge is lacking, and frequent security incidents are inevitable.

Incomplete corporate rules and regulations

The time for China to enter the market economy is relatively short. There are still many imperfections in the process of construction and development of enterprises, and less emphasis is placed on safety management. Between the economic interests of enterprises and the development of security, it is even more important to pursue interests and to throw safety away.

What are the characteristics of habitual violation?


Customary violations in some people's behavior is already a manifestation of subconsciousness. It requires long-term learning, training, and continuous improvement to avoid its repetition.


Because people’s awareness of safety production is weak, habitual violations are widespread in the production process, and they are automatically violated in the production process. This unconsciously committing a dangerous crime eventually leads to accidents.


Some people think that habitual violations are "profitable". They have little investment and trouble, and they can avoid complications on the "simple", because these violations may not immediately lead to accidents, they have followed suit.


The old employees in the company have limited understanding of the safety operation rules and have formed irregular operating habits. When new employees are brought in, they unwittingly teach these methods to new employees. It is very common for this kind of production process to go up and down.


Some employees are not convinced of their own irregularities, because “experience” does not give him a lesson and they think their own set is correct. Security is no small matter. Once a security incident really occurs, it cannot be recovered. In fact, every law and normative procedure is exchanged for blood and life.

How to restrict habitual violations?

Customary violations have constrained the improvement of the enterprise's safety management level and have become a barrier to the development of the company. We can start from the enterprise safety culture, implement modern management methods, increase the use of new technology and new technologies by enterprises, and form incentive and restriction mechanisms for safety production, etc., and gradually reverse habitual violations so that the level of corporate safety management can be greatly improved.

Create a corporate culture of safety in many ways

From the causes and characteristics of habitual violations, we can see the long-term nature, complexity, and arduousness of safety management. To achieve results, we must overcome ideological fears and difficulties, and prepare for a tough battle and protracted war in action. Always grasp and long-term grasp.

Ideological understanding is the root and foundation of habitual violations. We must carry out ideological safety education for employees as an important means to improve safety awareness in normal work and life, establish correct safety concepts, and strengthen the idea of ​​preventing habitual violations. Concepts, and continue to promote the implementation and strengthening, so that the invisible hand of safety culture to control the behavior of our constraints.

Implement modern enterprise management, new processes, and new technologies

Safety management is inseparable from the support of modern science and technology. In particular, new technologies and new processes have changed the traditional production processes and production levels.

New technologies and new technologies have made the original process and operating technology easier and safer, the workload of the main actors has decreased, and the state of things has become more secure, which has greatly reduced the habitual violation of regulations. Therefore, the implementation of modern safety management methods, and the promotion and application of new technologies and new processes have an important role in the governance of habitual violations.

Establish incentive and restraint mechanisms

The so-called incentive constraint is reward and bondage. Employees who are safe in safety management and safe production are rewarded; employees who are poor in safety management and safety in production are given sanctions. This requires enterprises to formulate a set of management rules and regulations, with the system administrators, the system constraints, the rule of law to replace the rule of the people, everyone in front of the rules and regulations are equal.

While rewarding and penalizing, let employees understand that if a production accident occurs, it is not only a harm to one person, but also a heavy injury to a family and harm to the company and society.

The information in this article comes from the Internet and was reorganized and edited by China Rescue Equipment Network.


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